Helping companies make an impact on society

Our Mission For Corporate
Our Services
We can help you develop and grow your business.
Current Problems in the UK
The skills shortage has never been more apparent, and it is getting worse every year. Every industry, every company, every skill set is becoming affected.
Our world is changing, and the next generation are the last who can help reverse the damage we have done, your business can either carry on as a problem, or help to develop a solution.
Students do not get the skills businesses need them to have, businesses are too far removed to help students understand what skills they need. The gap between businesses and education has never been greater.
How our services can help you out
Develop relationships with the best students who are passionate about building their career. Help them understand what your business can offer. Create a continuous pool of talent who want to join your business, buy in to your mission, and will help your business reach its goals.
Become the employer of choice for ambitious and dedicated students, be top of mind when they enter the job market. Position your business to attract the best and reduce your recruitment costs substantially.
Your company’s reputation has never been so important, we are embedded in the review purchasing culture. By improving your company’s recruitment marketing, building a robust CSR program, and positioning your business correctly, you can become the business to work for and buy from.
Become the first choice in your market, and become the first choice for the new people entering the workforce. Our solution will help you develop your EVP to attract the best talent and develop your USPs to attract customers from competitors.
We will develop a platform to speak to those who will not hear from your competitors. Use our platform to convey your message, engage with excellent talent, and build a plan for the future of your business.
Aim A Little Higher
Aim A Little Higher is a company built to build the bridge between businesses, students, and the education system. We have years of experience in understanding the next generation and the ever-changing environment for businesses and young people. Through this we can help students improve their attainment and upskill them to the level businesses need.
Our programs help businesses review, improve, and implement recruitment strategies to engage with students, understand what they want and inform them what the business needs. We can help you align your vision with a CSR campaign to help establish a movement to providing a more responsible future. Our solutions can provide you with the platform to develop a recruitment marketing strategy to reduce costs and engage with the most relevant students, plus much, much, more.
Kamal Ellis-Hyman is a huge supporter of social prescribing and it was a delight to have him host our Social Prescribing Show.
Thanks to Aim A Little Higher who left us all feeling motivated
"Thought Provoking", "Incredibly Influential" and "The unique view of the world was beneficial"
Kamal Ellis-Hyman hosted the day with such a beautiful, vibrant & fun energy, just what the Doctor ordered.