
Hear from our past clients about how we did

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Even the most disengaged students listened and engaged.

Ian Ladley
Deputy Headteacher - The Deeping School

"Thought Provoking", "Incredibly Influential" and "The unique view of the world was beneficial"


Students have felt so much more comfortable describing their own experiences, successes and insecurities.

Ruth Atine
Student Progress Lead - St Peters High School and Sixth Form Centre

Thanks to Aim A Little Higher who left us all feeling motivated

Construction Youth Trust
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View Our Video Testimonials

Kamal Ellis-Hyman hosted the day with such a beautiful, vibrant & fun energy, just what the Doctor ordered.

River Taylor
Founder @ TheNest VCFSE

Kamal Ellis-Hyman is a huge supporter of social prescribing and it was a delight to have him host our Social Prescribing Show.

National Academy for Social Prescribing

The most engagement we’ve ever had from the year 10s.

Lucy Jones
Academic Mentor - Erasmus Darwin Academy

I would definitely recommend Aim A Little Higher, it’s been an amazing day and value for money.

Dan Ingram
Assistant Principle - Alvastore Academy

Aim a little higher gets them to see where they can be and what they can do - The fact they wouldn’t leave by the end of the school day says it all!

Sam Manley and Helen Parks
Assistant Principal and Careers Manager - Neale Wade

Every student I have spoken to after the sessions have been really positive and really energised about their experience.

Suzanne Bushell
Raising Aspirations Lead - Thomas Aveling

It was fun, it was engaging and you can tell they took messages away from it!

Tom Fessy
Aspiration Coordinator - Dean Academy

Case Studies

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