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school Speaker?

Inspirational, Motivational, Building Student's Self-Confidence, Resilience and Career Aspirations
Here At Aim A Little Higher, we'll have something perfert for you!
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Here At Aim A Little Higher, we'll have something perfert for you!
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A little about Aim A Little Higher Speakers

At Aim A Little Higher, we don’t just talk; we transform. Our speakers are seasoned educators and motivational professionals who use relatable stories, interactive techniques, and actionable insights to foster resilience and ambition among students. From overcoming adversity to setting ambitious academic goals, our sessions are tailored to leave a lasting impact.

Our speeches are especially geared to help coasting students who go through their education journey doing 'just enough to get by' and sometimes struggle to see the value in school.

Aim A Little Higher Assemblies

Assemblies are one of the ways we try to empower students to become the best versions of themselves.

Assemblies are typically an excellent time for teachers to relay key messages to students. However, after a while, students get used to hearing from their teachers daily, and occasionally assemblies need that extra spark to reignite them.
That's where Aim A Little Higher comes in!

We remind students of the importance of loving themselves, developing a vision beyond education and how their habits can set them up for both academic and personal success.

What to expect

Speeches typically last an hour, including a 10 minute Q&A at the end. Assemblies can be delivered back to back to different year groups for the whole day.

You can expect your students to laugh, reflect and leave with a sense of pride and inspiration to adopt a Growth Mindset and focus on taking the necessary actions to lead to their own personal success.

High Energy

We are not the stand behind a lectern and deliver kind of company. Our assemblies are high energy including music, spoken word poetry, humour and an over all engaging delivery style.


Students will be invited to ask and answer questions, take part in call & response, provide their thoughts and feel like they were part of the assembly.

A Strong Message

We don't deliver the wishy-washy "Chase your dreams", "Just believe and achieve" message.
Our principles are based on self-awareness, clarity of vision and putting fourth effort!


Our assemblies are delivered with a splash of humour by our speakers allowing them to be both entertaining and relevant to young audiences.

Why Now is the most crucial time to empower students!

Year 2023
The past few years have been incredibly hard for students all around the globe, more students than ever lack in confidence, direction and motivation.

Stress and Anxiety

1 in 5 students suffers from a mental health issue, such as depression and anxiety

Students have had their schedules turned upside down in the past year, looking after mental and emotional health is super important during times of uncertainty.

Career Advice

51% of students are not confident in their career path when they enrol in university.

How can we change this? How can we help these students? One thing we certainly can do is help them understand what options are out there, providing more information, and encouraging more businesses to get involved with students.
Get in touch with us!

Help us understand how we can help you, your teachers, your students, and develop a partnership to help them succeed.

How we can help!

Boosting Results

Our focus is on boosting the attainment and the achievements of your students. We do this through a range of methods including assemblies, workshops, and other programmes.

Gatsby Benchmark

We can help you across multiple elements of your Gatsby Benchmark. We can help assist with a stable careers programme, encounters with employers and employees, and more.


We can develop our programmes to support with the school maintain or improving their ranking on the Education Inspection Framework from Ofsted

Improved Employability

We can help students understand their career options, develop their passion for work, boost their performance. Our programmes will allow them to succeed, attain, and boost their employability.

Improved Mental Health

Mental health has certainly affected a lot of people over the last 3 years. Mental health is an individual journey for everyone, no ones journey is the same. We are passionate about helping students and want to help them understand what they are capable of.

Reduced Anxiety and Stress

School is an extremely stressful environment. Constant pressure, results focused environment, external and internal expectations. We can help reduce the stress and anxiety associated with exams, and help the students achieve results they never thought possible.

Get In Touch With Us

To book us or get more info!
We can create personalised plans just for you, let us know what you need and we can help!
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Why Us

Years of Service

Providing the route to success for countless students, schools, and businesses.


Helping schools provide a learning and inspiring environment for their students.

Workshops Delivered

Supporting thousands of students to achieve more and inspiring them to succeed.


Motivating, inspiring, and encouraging students to achieve and aspire for more.

What Educators Say About Us

Students have felt so much more comfortable describing their own experiences, successes and insecurities.

Ruth Atine
Student Progress Lead - St Peters High School and Sixth Form Centre
Explore our other testimonials
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Inspire Your Students—Book a Session Now!

Ready to transform your school’s learning environment? Contact us today to schedule a transformative motivational session tailored just for your students.